When You Think You’ve Missed the Boat

When You Think You've Missed the Boat

Last night I talked to a friend who told me she turned off Messenger notifications on her phone. After I asked about a message I’d sent several weeks ago, she realized it had gotten buried under piles of other messages and she’d never seen it.

I completely understood. If she’s anything like me, she’s familiar with the epidemic of “now.”

I have severe anxiety over that little “1” which shows up on your phone. And since the notification is showing now, I have to respond now and have an answer now. Sometimes I’m not even sure how to respond, but I figure if I type something they’ll at least see those little dots moving…

Those dots mean you’re thinking, right? Or do they mean you’re typing? In any case, they mean a response is coming and that you haven’t forgotten about the urgent message which needs an immediate response.

Or does it?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about priorities. And many of the things I consider a priority should be nowhere near the top of my list. Like those little “1”s that show up on my phone and drive me crazy.

I get so wrapped up in the “now,” I forget there is also a “later.” I forget this season is not the season for every project, pursuit or endeavor. I forget how God-given dreams don’t have an expiration date.

A couple of years ago, I sensed God calling me to go on a grand adventure with Him. I knew he wanted me to write and share with others, to step out of my comfort zone and walk with Him into unknown waters.

Every step along the journey has been beautiful. Even the missteps where I’ve fallen and needed grace to stand have molded and shaped me into the woman I am today.

But you know what? Not every piece of the grander vision is meant to be attained right now.

Sometimes, God gives us a glimpse of the future to give us endurance in the present. (Tweet that!)

did you miss the boat?

He desires to keep us moving forward. He wants to let us know our labor is not in vain, and that he has plans and promises which stretch further than our imagination can take us.

But now is not the only season. And everything can’t be accomplished in one day. So why do I stress myself out, thinking I’ve missed the invisible boat?

We’ve all heard the saying. “Don’t miss the boat.”

We think this boat holds all of our hopes and dreams, and sets sail for some far off land, never to be seen again if we’re not on it.

Let me get a little southern here and tell you something. It’s hogwash. It’s a made up figment of some person’s imagination, and it serves no purpose other than to cause anxiety over God’s timing, which can’t be controlled.

Paul says it right here in Romans:

For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.

Romans 11:29 NIV

God did not call you, purpose you and place his gifts within you to simply throw them away. He who called you is more than able to see his plans through. And what do we do? Take the next step of obedience. Not ten steps or twenty, but the next one.

If the mistakes of humanity could revoke God’s plan, He would not be sovereign. (Tweet that!)

So take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, and wave farewell to the invisible boat. If you were meant to be on it, you would be.


Linking up with these communities: #LiveFreeThursday, #ThankfulThursdays, #IntentionalTuesday

25 thoughts on “When You Think You’ve Missed the Boat

  1. This blew my mind—> Now is not the only season….. Gosh we get so caught up in thinking too finitely about things and we forget we serve an infinite God. Thank you for sharing the verse about our irrevocable calling. Taking all this to heart today Abby. You have such a gift for speaking the truth so skillfully and plainly and it never fails to make an impression on my heart- thank you as always for sharing it with us ♥


    • Amen, Heather. We do forget about God’s infinite nature. It’s so hard for us to understand. I am so encouraged by your kind words here today. Thank you! Keep pressing on, friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is SO good. It is very timely as I have a few things thrown at me that I’m afraid will never come back again if I don’t jump on them now! God has equipped me and he’s given me a certain season to journey through. If he wants something to be mine, it will come back at the appropriate season. We learn something from Him at every turn. I’m grateful to have read these words today. Have a blessed week!


    • Oh yes, Carolina. I am familiar with that fear. What I feel God pressing on my heart lately is, “You kids are only young once.” I need to focus on my family and yes, continue to write, but everything doesn’t have to be right now. Thanks so much for your continual encouragement, friend! God’s got this. 😉


  3. So timely for me Abby. I was just praying this more about some areas of my life I know God is calling me to, but I’m not seeing the progress I desire and the I feel like God is saying, “That’s for another season. Enjoy this one as it is.” Blessings to you on this Thursday.


  4. Absolutely love your thoughts shared here Abby! Messenger drives me a little batty at times! I believe most of us that are busy striving are susceptible to feel like we have missed a few boats in our lifetime. However, I love your reminder that if we were supposed to be on that boat we would be. What a comfort to serve a sovereign God. When we practice trusting Him and his guidance we can feel assured that we are moving forward in the right boat. Thanks for this fantastic reminder.. I am definitely sharing today! Have a wonderful weekend…blessings to you and yours!


    • It drives me a little batty too, Horace! We all need boundaries, don’t we? Thank you for your encouragement here and have a fantastic weekend!


  5. Thanks for sharing your perspective on Now and Later! It is true that all those phone notifications can steal our precious time from what is really important NOW. Email is the same. There is always later. And yes, it’s so freeing to know that in the grander scheme of our lives and callings, God’s gift and God’s calling are irrevocable.


  6. I needed this, Abby. Thank you. I’m trying to relax more and not to put so much pressure on myself to read posts and answer emails and comments NOW. I just read something a character said in a book about an expression – “The more hurrieder I get, the more behinder I get!” I love how you encourage us to take the next step, not the next ten or twenty. And isn’t it just so amazing that God’s purpose can never, ever be reversed, no matter how much we stumble? Blessings and hugs to you!


    • I love that quote, Trudy! I don’t know if I’ve heard that one but I’ve heard similar variations of it. As always, thank you for your encouragement and have a wonderful weekend!


  7. Amen Abby!!
    Oh how restless I was in my thirties…I too, had that, I gotta get on the boat…the only boat, now. Little did I know there are several boats and they depart at different times in our lives. Who would have thought at 53 I would be starting a non-profit foundation and will be able to use some of my writing skills with that??? Oh what an adventure God has for us…all in His timing…cheering you on…great post!!
    Bev xx


  8. Abby!!! Thank you for this encouragement. It’s not all about right now, but later on too – I really needed this today. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.


    • Yes, this is something God has been pressing into my heart lately. It’s a hard lesson for me to learn, but worth it. Thanks for visiting, Lori! Have a great weekend.


  9. I love this! Needed this reminder that if God had called us to something, we won’t miss the boat. He’ll see to it that we get there – in His time, in His way, according to His purpose.


  10. “If the mistakes of humanity could revoke God’s plan, He would not be sovereign.” Abby, I absolutely loved this! I came back to read it a second time. Lots to reflect on and work through here. Thank you!!


  11. “But now is not the only season. And everything can’t be accomplished in one day. So why do I stress myself out, thinking I’ve missed the invisible boat?” This is so true, Abby. We all find ourselves like this sometimes, don’t we? That notification comes and we think we have to answer right now. But that is just not true and we need to remember that everything doesn’t have to and in fact can’t be done “right now.” Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #IntentionalTuesday!


  12. Abby, this spoke so clearly to me today. I am usually and all in or all out kinda girl. So when God tells me to do something I’m full in, thinking it all has to be done…right now! So many times I’ve heard Him whisper, “It’s not a no, it’s a not right now.” I can get a little impatient in the waiting. I love how you said, if we were suppose to be on that boat, then we would’ve been. The thought of missing the boat makes me cringe!!! Thank you so much for sharing this today.


  13. Goodbye, invisible boat. Love it, hogwash and all, Abby. You’re such an encourager, bringing the “real” and raw to the table. Reading your words, we realize we’re normal after all, and that God has “better” to salve our raw. Amen, girl, no more missing the boat.


  14. So good, Abby! And so applicable in so many areas of life. Our insecurities tell us we’ve messed up too much or missed out when in actuality He works all things together for our good for His purpose in His timing.
    I needed to hear this today. I’m in the middle of something that makes my hairs stand on end and a knot ties up in my stomach yet when I look to Him there is a peace that overrides it all and brings calm to my soul. That peace is continuing to keep me going because without that I am overridden with anxiety and crazy worry.
    You are right when we are suppose to be on the boat… we will be there. That’s a promise to hold onto! Thank you, Abby!


  15. Pingback: We Belong To Christ {Thankful Thursdays}

  16. Thanks Abby for a wonderfully encouraging post! I appreciate your thoughts, the verses – I could listen to this message over and over – God is sovereign – His purposes and plans irrevocable! Blessings!


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