Through the Eyes of a Child: Leave It Behind Series

leave it behind series

Friends, I cannot thank you enough for joining us over the past couple of weeks for this series. It has been a true blessing to read stories of lives being changed in ways which could only be in and through the mighty God we serve. I will be closing out this series with my story of leaving behind my endless pile of excuses not to pursue my dream to write and trading them for the promises of God. I traded what I could see for the unknown, and I’ve never once looked back in regret.

Through the Eyes of a Child

“I’m going to be a pilot when I grow up,” my six-year-old said confidently.

He flew his Lego airplane high over his head and made his best jet engine noise. My husband and I looked at each other and smiled. It was the first time our son had stated his choice for a future vocation without being prompted.

As I watched him play with his younger brother, I saw how the declaration fit his personality. And he owned it. There was no question or hesitancy in his voice.

He made the statement, and that was it.

I prayed for his future and longed for him to keep his resolve. Even though I knew his interests might change, I wanted him to keep this certainty that he could achieve whatever he set his mind to, through God’s power and strength in him.

So often, we reach the age of adulthood and decide to settle. For many years, I did too and no, I’m not talking about settling down from the partying or the clubs, buying a home or starting a family.

I settled for going through the motions of life. I lived with a constant longing for the next vacation or the next break and I forgot to look at what was missing from my life right there in the everyday.

I believe God creates each one of us with a passion and a purpose, but often we bury it under a sea of self-doubt, excuses and procrastination.

There is a reason why Jesus tells us to have the faith of a child.

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:3 NIV

In the eyes of a child, imagination is the limit. They don’t see the same obstacles we do as adults. As we grow older, we often bury any inkling of creativity under a pile of fear and self-defeat.

A couple of years ago, I decided life was too short not to chase after the dream God placed in my heart. I left behind my endless list of excuses and stepped forward in faith.

Although the road hasn’t always been easy, I wouldn’t trade it with the aimless wandering and empty soul I once had. I can’t always see the progress and the results I yearn for, but I know God is working. And his work is always good.

trading the seen

When we trade hope in the seen for the unseen, God trades our ashes for a crown.

He molds me and continues to transform me into someone who is willing to follow Him into the unknown, even when it’s uncomfortable. Some of the sharp edges are being chafed down to reveal new facets, made to reflect his glory.

He’s revealing new pieces of his plan to me each day, and often I’m impatient in the waiting and the slow process of the reveal. But I know his will for me is far greater than anything I could conceive on my own.

Each day, I’m learning. I’m growing. I look back on this adventure, see how far he’s brought me, and I can’t help but lift my hands in praise.

Photo 1 credit (text added): kendoman26 / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

Photo 2 credit (texted added): Stuck in Customs / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

*Linking up with Suzie Eller’s #LiveFreeThursday. Come join us and be inspired.

13 thoughts on “Through the Eyes of a Child: Leave It Behind Series

  1. Abby,
    All I can say is that I am so glad that you decided to leave the excuses behind and pursue your dream. I love you and I love your writing…you truly are gifted and I see great things in store for your future. I also love how you capture the here and now with your words. In your writing you are leaving a wonderful legacy for your children. Waiting with you to see where God takes you on this great adventure?!
    Blessings and ((hugs)),


  2. “He molds me and continues to transform me into someone who is willing to follow Him into the unknown, even when it’s uncomfortable. ” Love this! I used to live in the fear of the unknown, settling for what was in front of me. I have become passionate about the process, the journey of following God into the unknown. I’m no longer afraid. I know it will hold healing. I know it will hold purpose. It may be uncomfortable at times, but the joy that comes with it is beyond imagination!
    Blessings, friend!
    Lisa Murray


  3. Abby, God is definitely working in you and through you, and His work is so good! I am so thankful you took the leap to pursue your dream. Your words inspired me today to keep pursuing my dream, even though when I was a young child I never could figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up…:) Thank you for this beautiful message today! #livefree


    • Katie, that is such an encouragement to hear. Yes, keep pursuing my friend. He is doing a mighty work in you too. I can see it! Blessings to you.


    • Oh yes, I’ve heard that quote! I love it. So true. I am glad we both stepped out too and that God brought us together on this writing journey. #LiveFree indeed.


  4. Hi Abby,
    I am so thankful you followed your dream! What a blessing your obedience has been to us, your readers. I sincerely looklook forwto receiving notification of your new posts.

    Saying a prayer now for God’s great blessings to continue being poured into you and your writing.


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