Does My Story Matter?

love letter 2

It was just three simple words on a piece of paper.

Three simple words with a couple of exclamation points and a smiley face added for emphasis. And it changed the course of my entire day.

“You are beautiful.”

My husband knew I was feeling down. Following the previous night’s rejection email, I explained to him that this writing thing was a lot harder than I thought. Doubt and discouragement snuck in at a completely unexpected moment and before I knew it, I was throwing myself a pity party complete with chocolate ice cream and the latest selection on Netflix.

I knew rejection was an inevitable part of this calling. But “thick skin” simply isn’t part of who I am. I am clay, slowly being molded in the hands of my Creator, even though it is often a painful process.

The next morning, I awoke with the words from the email still fresh in my mind. But with three words from my husband, I was ready to move forward instead of sinking back into a myriad of self-doubt.

“You are beautiful.”


He saw me when I was having trouble seeing myself. He saw the masterpiece God created, formed to do good works which he planned for me long ago. (Ephesians 2:10) He saw this hurdle as a stepping stone rather than a deterrent.

Do you believe it?

Do you believe you are his masterpiece, exquisite in the eyes of your Maker? Do you believe he is able to do more through you than you can ask, hope or imagine?

Because whether you do makes all the difference in the world, to yourself and to those around you.

You are an integral part of God’s love letter to the world.

When we are convinced that the role we play in his story matters, we are able to make a life changing impact to those around us.

It’s all about perspective.

I remember Esther, and how her acts of courage saved an entire race. But even this brave woman of God faced fear and doubt. The simple act of going before the king without being summoned could have meant her death.

When she protests to her adoptive father, Mordecai, he delivers these words, which change the course of history:

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14 NIV

For such a time as this.

By simply delivering these words to Esther, Mordecai pushed her to do what God had called her to do from the beginning. She moves past her uncertainty and does what she knows only she can do.

We are a part of God’s story for such a time as this. Our words have the power to push people to act, to move forward, and to be everything that God has called them to be.

In the same way, our words have the power to crush and fizzle any flame of desire someone has to make a difference.

We have a chance to be part of the glorious love letter God is writing to the world. He invites each of us into his design, as sure as the sun rises each day.

Will you reach out and tell someone she matters today?

Doing so could change the course of history.


*Heart carved on tree photo credit (text added)

*Linking up with Suzie Eller’s #LiveFreeThursdayEquipping Godly Women, and Susan B. Mead’s #DanceWithJesusLinkup.


Equipping Godly Women

46 thoughts on “Does My Story Matter?

  1. I can totally relate, Abby. I keep wanting to take my writing to the next level, but I’m just afraid. Why would anyone care about what I have to say? You are definitely a blessing and I have received encouragement from your insights so many times. I love that you tie things back to scripture. Keep pushing forward, my friend!


    • You keep pushing forward too, Jess. I once read something from Holley Gerth that said we often interpret fear as a sign we shouldn’t proceed, but often just the opposite is true. I always enjoy reading what you have to say, and I know others do as well. #WriteOn, friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Abby, this really spoke to me! Thank you for reminding me of Esther… bravery doesn’t mean we are fearless and without real feelings to ask God to help us through. I too wish I had thicker skin, but I suspect it’s because of the sensitivities God has given us that we are even writing! Keep writing and sharing your heart, Abby. I am blessed by your gift! And what a sweet gesture from your husband to remind you that you are beautiful!


    • Yes, you are so right. Bravery doesn’t mean fearlessness. It just means moving past our fear and doing it anyway. Thank you for continuing to encourage me, friend. I always love hearing from you and enjoy reading your beautiful words. (hugs)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Abby,
    I am trying to believe that my story matters in the broad tapestry that God is weaving. Right now I will admit that I am frustrated. I rarely get any comments back on my blogs – I know many have told me it is next to impossible to comment, but it’s hard to write without getting much feedback. Just doubting myself and if I’m doing what God would have me do???
    Thanks for listening…
    Love and ((hugs)),


    • Bev, I am praying for you, sweet friend. The first year six months or so that I blogged I didn’t get many comments either, and the ones I did get were usually when I participated in Five Minute Friday. I can tell you I am always encouraged by what you have to say, and your words matter. Love you and hugs.


  4. You are beautiful, sweet friend. Oh, how God uses you to encourage others. And I have this feeling THIS post is going to speak to many hearts today. It truly spoke to mine. Thank you. Much love. xoxo


    • I am so glad to hear it spoke to you, Beth. God truly is growing me and molding me, and I’m thankful he’s not finished with me yet. 😉 Much love to you, friend. xoxo


  5. Love this quote: “We have a chance to be part of the glorious love letter God is writing to the world.”
    And Abby, I feel your every word. Like you, my core is not made of steel, and I interpret criticism and rejection to prove I’m a big fat failure. BUT I LOVE how your husband redirected your focus to truth. Because of course our performance and others’ opinions hold no weight on our worth!!! I just need this truth taped to my forehead everyday. 🙂
    Love you, sweet friend. You are a beautiful writer!!


    • Oh yes, my core is not steel either. Far from it. I can tell you, Amy, that I absolutely love reading your words and I’m not just throwing that out there. I truly do. I truly get a sense of who you are through your writing, and that’s not the case with many writers. Love you, friend.


  6. You Matter and Your words inspire. Yes Abby you are Beautiful and a real gift to the blog community. Abby I really needed to read this today thank you. I really feel like a big fat failure in a very large important part of my life today. Home School. Yep —- I been taking my hard days so personal. I know that God has a plan in all of this craziness and God daily is doing a new work in me. Why? Because He sees me beautiful!!!!! He wants me to trust Him in my calling to Home School my kids at this time in their life. So I lift my eyes up to Him and we will help. Abby thank you for walking in Gods calling and writing. You are Beautiful!!!.


    • Lisa, I honestly cannot imagine homeschooling and I admire what you are doing. I know your days have to be hard at times and I would not in any way take it as an indication of how you are doing. For goodness sake, I have one at home and my days are often hard with just him, and I’m not even homeschooling him. Thank you so much for sharing on your blog and for your sweet encouragement. You bless me, friend. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Abby, I have notes from my husband tucked away in different places and his words are a blessing each time I read them so I can relate to how you feel when your beloved wrote his note to you. I relate to the doubt and discouragement thing too about writing but well, the rainbow just wouldn’t be as beautiful without our added colours. You bless me Abby!


  8. I’ve favorited this one so I can find it and read it over and over on the hard days, Abby. He is beautiful, and we who are made in His image, then are beautiful too. This post is nourishing, absolutely nourishing. Can’t describe it any other way.
    And don’t give up on the applications and writing, the perfect partner to promote this great gift you have is out there, waiting to work with someone like you!


    • You are such an encouragement to me, Christine. Thank you for blessing me with your words today. I will keep pushing forward. I would rather try and experience rejection than wonder what would have happened if I never did. Much love to you.

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  9. Lovely post…I’ve been a beneficiary of notes from my husband that meant the world to me as well….and ephesians 2:10 is my life verse….whether you write or not, the whispers that we don’st matter steal joy and trip us up. Thanks for encouraging us.


  10. Oh, those three words from my husband mean so much to me, too! (And now my little guy is learning to follow Daddy’s example. 🙂 ) It’s amazing what a few words can do! Thank you for the reminder that we can be the one to pass on simple encouragement, too. ❤


    • Yes, our boys do learn so much from their Dad and I’m so thankful that they have such a wonderful example for how to treat a woman. Thank you for your encouragement today, Sheila.


  11. Thank you Abby. What a sweet fellow you have. I woke up this morning thinking what am i doing? I cannot do this writing stuff – I can’t do this technology stuff – I write too much from emotion – I even had myself talked into deleting my post. lol I hate these days – thank you for the reminder – I’m here to encourage someone – even if its just one person. Have a blessed Friday!


    • Melanie, I love your writing! Don’t give up, my friend. I have learned so much about the technology part over the past year but I’m still no expert, for sure. Have a blessed weekend. Much love.

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  12. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I have a hard time seeing myself as…well….worth anything. I can totally relate to this, and to the power we have to encourage others with simple words. I actually sent a note to a friend this morning because I felt out of the blue like I should tell her what an awesome mom she is. We all need encouragement sometimes, and people don’t always know when we do.


    • So true. You never know who needs encouragement. I have been where you are with the low self-worth and I can say that when I go before God and am just honest about how I feel and ask his Spirit to help me, he does. Sending up prayers for all of us who need to see ourselves as loved today.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping here and sharing your thoughts, Joy. I have always been a sensitive person but God is slowly giving me more confidence to move forward when things get me down. Have a great weekend.


  13. What a precious blessing your husband is! He himself is an example of what a difference a few words can make. His encouragement rippled out to all of us. Thank you Abby’s husband! 🙂


  14. Abby, I read this the day you posted it, but didn’t have time to leave a comment. How lovely to come and read it again today with more time. What a sweet husband you have. (Sounds like a keeper to me!) And what an encouraging message you share. We can make a difference in someone’s live today. I love that quote from Esther about being born for such a time as this. Have a good weekend, friend. #KeeponWriting!


  15. Abby, Thanks for this heartfelt and encouraging message. You are making a difference when you are faithful to what God has called you to do. He will give the increase. Love, Mom


    • Mom, I will keep pressing forward and thank you for your encouragement. Writing is like therapy for me and I truly am not as happy when I’m not doing it, so to encourage others is such a blessing.


  16. This is one of my favorites from your heart, Abby. I can resonate so well as a crumbled clay masyerpiece in process, whose skin is not yet callused to rejection. Praying for those ‘yes’ moments on yhe horizon to be in your viewfinder. You are not just breautiful, but gifted with graceful encouragement.



  17. “We have a chance to be part of the glorious love letter God is writing to the world.” What a beautiful privilege this is! And how it helps me to focus on WHY I do what He has called me to do. A love letter to the world. I love that! And it’s amazing how each one of our stories can be a part of it! Thanks for your encouragement, Abby.


  18. I agree with you my friend this writing gig is really hard and I go through the same motions as you.We need all the strength we can take from god.I have a facebook group called as biblical mom bloggers which I m building up to create a supportive environment for bloggers like us.Would love for you to be a part of us.Blessings!


    • Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of this group. I would love to join you. I believe I saw you post a link on the CBCE so I will check it out.


  19. I love this post! Thanks for the encouragement and reminder that we all have a calling for “such a time as this” and need to continue pressing forward even when it feels too much. Love finding those encouragers who keep us going.


  20. This is beautiful and soooo true-” We have a chance to be part of the glorious love letter God is writing to the world. He invites each of us into his design, as sure as the sun rises each day.” Hope I remember this every day! God bless you! Truly you are beautiful! patsy


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