Motherhood: I Want to Thrive, Not Just Survive

Fresh Starts and New Mercies 5

As I stand over the stove with my blood pressure rising, one question repeats itself in my head: Am I simply trying to survive motherhood? Preparing dinner is the most difficult time of the day for me. There is no exact science to keeping two young, active boys occupied while I make a meal. However, I am keenly aware that my “just get me through this” attitude emerges during other difficult moments as well.

Today, I am honored to share some lessons that have helped me to not just survive parenting, but to be present and intentional in this journey. I’d love for you to join me over at Faith Spilling Over, where we embrace fresh starts and new mercies.

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2 thoughts on “Motherhood: I Want to Thrive, Not Just Survive

  1. I have been in that place of survival lately. It’s always harder for me during the winter because I feel cooped up and the boys have all this energy and few ways to use it. I loved all the points you made, especially prayer. Sometimes I just don’t give the power of prayer enough credit in my life.


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