For the Woman Who Feels Like God is Disappointed in Her


Did you know that the word “disappoint” or “disappointed” is never used in the Bible to describe God’s feelings toward his children? This truth was revealed to me at a Beth Moore conference nearly a year ago. Go ahead, look it up on Bible Gateway if you like.

And yet, so many times as followers of Jesus, we live as though He is disappointed in us.

We mess up and we hang our heads in shame, forgetting that grace covers us. Forgetting that when we come before God and confess our shortcomings, He remembers them no more. (Hebrews 8:12) We replay the incident in our heads over and over, beating ourselves up instead of moving on.

As my family entered this summer season, we made memories. We grabbed hold of the longer days with both hands and watched lightning bugs flicker at nightfall. We splashed in the local pool and soaked up the sun until our heads were weary with the splendor of it.

But we also yelled. I yelled. We tirelessly worked to adjust to new schedules, more time together, which meant more time shared between big brother and little one. More time spent trying to share toys, space, and my attention.

The other day I snapped. Over my oldest son running through the house and nearly knocking me down because he was looking the other way. Over nothing, really. He looked at me as though I’d lost my mind and I’m sure I was on the brink.

Thirty minutes later, on yet another trip to the pool, I cocked my head toward his seat behind me and I apologized. I said I was sorry for getting angry. And you know what? He gave grace. Much, much needed grace.

As we pulled onto the interstate, I realized something. There’s a reason why Jesus talks about the Kingdom belonging to children. There’s a reason why He says to let all the children come to Him. Because children are grace givers.

There are so many things we can learn through the eyes of a child.

Even after I admitted my fault, both to God and to my son, I continued to beat myself up. I was sure that God was disappointed with my behavior. This mom surely missed the mark.

But you know what? God cannot be disappointed. He already knows the end of the story. He’s weaved every intricate detail, stretched from the beginning of time to a point we cannot even see yet.

We spend our days feeling as though God is disappointed, but disappointment negates the essence of who God is.

not disappointed

Do you know in what biblical context the word “disappoint” is used? To describe what the hope of Christ does not do. His hope does not disappoint. (Romans 5:5)

If any of us were under the Law, we would be dead. But because of Jesus, and the Spirit of Truth that lives in each one of us who surrender to Him, we can have life. Oh so abundant life.

“And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.” (Romans 11:6)

Grace would no longer be grace. Oh, how I need to remember that.

For the sake of ourselves and our children, let us remember that if any of us measured up, Jesus would never have come.


This point was written as part of the Woman to Woman Wednesday and Coffee for Your Heart link-ups. Groups of beautiful writers who meet each week to encourage, grow, and inspire. Click the buttons below to learn more.




21 thoughts on “For the Woman Who Feels Like God is Disappointed in Her

  1. Love this ! Thank you. It is by faith alone, THROUGH GRACE ALONE that any of us stands daily. Thank you for your willingness to share. What a wonderful truth that God is not disappointed in us and that HE never disappoints 🙂


  2. So true, Abby! If we didn’t need grace, we would never have needed Jesus. I’m right there with you this summer. Struggling to adjust to time at home. All day. Every day. And I’ve ‘snapped’ more than once, trust. you. me. So thankful for grace to cover me…and you. 😉 xoxo, Meredith


  3. This is so good, Abby! We do have a lingering feeling that God is disappointed in us! And it’s a lie! I love how you point out that our children easily give grace. I noticed that with my kids. If I humble myself and apologize, they almost always give me grace!


    • Thank you for your encouragement today, Betsy! Yes, I think as we grow older we are more likely to hold onto things. Children are so forgiving and mine teach me so much every day.


  4. Just this morning I snapped at my toddler, and immediately felt like God was disappointed in me. I didn’t realize that that word is never used in the Bible in that context. I’m floored by that realization! And I feel so much lighter because of it. God’s grace is so, so good!


    • I’m so glad this post found you today, Katie. I was floored by it too, and had to look it up for myself. Live light, my friend! 🙂


  5. I so agree with you about the children giving grace part. I know not every can or should be a parent, but I honestly don’t think people can grasp the full extent of Christ’s message to us without that parent-child relationship. The unconditional love that flows both way, and especially the easy grace your child offers. Another wonderfully done post, Abby!


  6. I know I could not survive without grace and knowing that God supplies it whenever needed is so reassuring. I loved how you used Romans 5:5 to remind us that God’s hope does not disappoint. Beautiful post! Blessed to be visiting you from Beth’s Three Word Wednesday. Mary


  7. Abby, this is beautifully encouraging for all of us! God isn’t disappointed in me or with me. Thank you. I really needed this reminder today as I’ve felt I missed the mark too this week. Praying God blesses you as you are making a difference in others’ lives for Him!


    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words and prayers, Julie. I’ll be praying for you as well, that you’re reminded of His continual grace when you need to be. You are a blessing!


  8. What a great revelation that is, that disappointment is not used in the context of God’s feelings towards us! So grateful for His great grace, and how it can be found in the everyday.


  9. I’m so glad I read this tonight. It’s hard to know what to do with the feelings that come when we are not at our best. Sometimes I can picture God shaking his head at me without even saying a word. Thank you for bringing us back to God’s truth. He gets to say who we are. Thank you for sharing, Abby.


    • I was so floored when I first heard Beth Moore say that about that word but when you think about it, it really would be impossible for God to be disappointed. Thank you so much for stopping here and for your kind words. Hope you’re having a great summer.


  10. Abby, can I say I am truly blessed from what you share every time I come here. You share powerful and needed messages, friend. And this was one of them! I needed this today. Such truth. Thank you so much. Blessings. xoxo


    • I am blessed to be able to share them, Beth. And blessed by you as well, friend. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I love hearing from you and visiting your site to see what beautiful truths you write each week. 🙂


  11. Pingback: When You Wonder How God Sees You | Fearfully Made Mom

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