Be a Light By Showing Up (Link-up)

be the light

A season of lit trees and celebration was closing and I heard excited talk about picking your “one word” for the New Year. Piqued by curiosity, I reasearched and loved the idea of such specific focus instead of forgotten resolutions, unrealistic expectations and lists.

It seemed doable. Everyone was jumping in. So I followed suit and picked a word God had laid on my heart for months: see.

I thought about the ways I would explore the opposition between the seen and unseen in scripture and committed to searching for God’s light in the everyday. Driven by a desire to reawaken the wonder and the awe of his creation, I took time to notice things I’d often overlooked.

The crisp skyline of winter against the white, barren landscape. A solitary tulip peeking out from the frozen ground during the first glimpses of spring.

It was beautiful. I saw God’s grace in new, unexpected ways. But then another winter swept in and God seemed to hide himself behind a veil.

Clamoring for the peace of his presence, I prayed he would reveal himself.

Where are you, God? Show me your glory. Let me know you are here.

I perused the internet and found stories of terror and finger pointing. Then other news much closer to home hit. A friend was going through a personal tragedy and needed the support of our community.

In shock and grief I continued searching for the light and became frustrated. Both kids were sick, adding to my tiredness and defeat and I wondered why his presence eluded me. During a brief moment of peace and quiet, it hit me.

Sometimes we have to stop searching for the light to be the light.

Often, I think it’s easier to minister to those who are hundreds and thousands of miles away than those in my own backyard. Social media and the internet have made it increasingly easy to do so. And it’s amazing. It’s a tremendous gift. But it also can remove us from being a light to those who are right there on our doorstep.

It is much easier for me to click “send” than to sit in awkward silence or search for words to comfort a grieving mother. It is easier for me to sit behind a computer screen than to feel real emotion as someone weeps on my shoulder.

If I’m honest with myself, I know God calls me to the awkward. He beckons me to those who are lost and hurting.

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another.

Romans 12:15-16 NIV

Friends, God doesn’t call us to be perfect. He simply calls us to show up. And when we do, he meets us there.

Sometimes, we have to step out in faith even when we don’t think we have the right tools. Those are the moments when the Spirit steps in, takes our hand, and reaches through us. He reveals the Light in us, which was there all along.

We don’t see him, but we hope in the unseen.



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24 thoughts on “Be a Light By Showing Up (Link-up)

  1. Abby,
    Uncanny…”see” is my word…our word for 2016. I want to see the world – and see myself through the lens of God. In order to truly see, I need to stop the blurred landscape by being still. Joining with you as you focus on truly “seeing” this year! Happy New Year to you and to Kelly!


  2. Abby- This is poignant and beautifully written. I struggle with letting go of how I think things are going to turn out- and your message spoke encouragement to me. You are a light – here in this place. Thanks for writing – and Happy New Year!


    • Karen, thank you for your sweet encouragement. I struggle with letting go too, and I pray God will help us both surrender those things we can’t control to him next year. Blessings and hugs, friend.

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  3. Pingback: Cleaning Up 2015 - Pack Away, Throw Away and Put on Display - Do A New Thing

  4. Pingback: The Secret to a More Peaceful Holiday Season | Waxing Gibbous

  5. Loved this, Abby. We can get so intent on searching for the light for our own purposes, that we forget our mission is to be the light. Thanks for this lovely reminder. Joining you from #raralinkup


    • Thanks so much, Pam. Sometimes I forget he’s always there, able and willing to counsel me when I ask. What an amazing truth. Blessed by you being here today.


  6. Wonderful post. This post blessed me as my word for 2015 was “believe” as God challenged me to believe Him. Not to just believe in Him, which I do, but to believe Him. To believe His promises and His Word whether I could see it happening or not. This year, 2016, He has brought me to my new word – “see”, so your post spoke to me even regarding the new year. I want to “taste & see that the Lord is good.” I want to see Him every day in the good, the not so good and the mundane & find His goodness right there. May you & your family have a blessed New Year!


  7. Your words are helpful and cautionary for times when I catch myself praying prescriptive prayers to the God of the universe. Trusting for grace to pray “thy will be done” more of the time.


  8. Pingback: Preparing for a New Year

  9. What a beautiful post, Abby! I needed this reminder that I don’t need to be perfect, or anything close to it. I tend to be awkward, and that’s okay. God just wants me to show up as me. So many great truths in this piece today. Thank you, friend!


  10. I am trying to “hope in the unseen.” To believe that even when I can’t “see” or “feel” God, He is still right beside me and in me. To believe “the Spirit steps in, takes our hand, and reaches through us.” So thank you for this beautiful encouragement today, Abby. I hope your children are healthy again.


  11. Great post! My father-in-law says something similar to this about being in church at times. Sometimes, we are seeking something in particular at church when we could be the ones called to help a fellow believer in need more than we are. Thanks for sharing and for hosting! Happy New Year 🙂


  12. Pingback: A Year Of Impact - Julie Lefebure

  13. Beautiful post! To ‘see’ means to also follow the narrow way of the unseen which you describe so well…how we fumble there, but how blessed we are when we discover God’s light radiating right where we are! Lovely! Happy, blessed New Year!


  14. Pingback: Be the Light By Showing Up (Link-up) - Purposeful Faith

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