For the Discouraged Soul Who Can’t Carry the Weight


Before I had time to take my fighting stance, the enemy of my soul sat down and planted himself between me and the truth. His presence was firm. He wasn’t going anywhere.

Discouragement in every form took over my thoughts. My church, writing, friends, ministry and everything I held dear were a source of attack. Nothing was off limits.

I tried to hold onto to the words of life I knew lay planted in my soul. I remembered the Word said the enemy is a liar. I recalled verses which said no weapon formed against me would stand.

The tide was coming in and I needed a grip on solid ground. I longed to plant my feet firmly on the Rock I knew would prove stable and unmoving. I opened my Bible but nothing seemed to sink into my heart.

I saw the black and white on the page but I needed to put skin on it. I needed a real person with flesh and blood to speak life into my heart.

A few mornings passed and some friends shared prayer requests via voice text. Hearts were being opened and encouragement poured into the spaces which needed to be filled.

Should I tell them? I looked around at my home, my kids and many blessings God provided. Who was I to be discouraged? Why did I feel this way?

Giving words to my thoughts made them real. To speak them aloud gave them a life I wasn’t sure I wanted, and I hesitated for minutes, waiting and listening.

Something inside me spoke and I recognized the voice of life I’d been groping for.

We can never carry the burdens of others if we don’t release some of our own.

I spoke. I released all the thoughts of defeat and discouragement that followed me around for days upon weeks. Instantly, I felt lighter.


And then, one after another, these sweet sisters of Christ spoke words of life and encouragement into my soul. They lifted me up in prayer and saw an inner strength I needed to be reminded was there.

I praised God and realized this was the body of Christ. This was the hands and feet of Christ extended, carrying my load when I couldn’t sustain it any longer.

In Galatians, Paul tells us,

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2 NIV

As I sat listening to my friends’ voices, I saw this law fulfilled. And it wasn’t the law of Moses. It wasn’t a burdensome law which no one could uphold.

It was the law of Christ: a law where we live by the Spirit and not by the flesh. A law where love is the embodiment of every command, and we love because He first loved us. Though we are weak, we are made strong through his power.

When we lift each other up in Christ, we lift up his Holy Name.

Self-sufficiency is a lie, friends. It leads us down a path of loneliness and regret.

 If you’re struggling today, can I encourage you to reach out to someone you trust? You weren’t made to carry all of that weight on your shoulders.

When we release it and allow others to carry it, we see a little bit if Heaven here on earth.


*Linking up with Kelly BalarieJennifer Dukes Lee and Holley Gerth. Come join us.

23 thoughts on “For the Discouraged Soul Who Can’t Carry the Weight

  1. Abby- Your words are so honest and encouraging. I’ve experienced this: the reluctancy to let go of my burdens so that others can share, and then the sweet relief that came when I finally did. This line is a keeper: “Self-sufficiency is a lie, friends. It leads us down a path of loneliness and regret.” I’ve copied it in my journal. Thanks for sharing your heart. it’s beautiful.


  2. Abby,
    Oh how the enemy loves to separate us from the flock…isolate us…and then attack. All the more reason why we need to stick close to one another and speak words of Truth and life. I often need to be reminded that hope is not found in my past, present, or even future. It’s not found in my writing or accomplishments. The only place hope is found is in Christ. Abby, as always, you have beautifully relayed the peace found in sharing our burdens with one another.
    Blessings and ((hugs)) my friend,


  3. Love this, Abby. ((Hug))
    I love how you pointed out that: “We can never carry the burdens of others if we don’t release some of our own.” Wise insight.
    Thank you for sharing. ❤


  4. Sweet Abby, this post touches and heals all at the same time! Love these words: “We can never carry the burdens of others if we don’t release some of our own.” Amen x 3. You are so loved and dear and valuable to God.


  5. We are better together – it’s what God has been writing on my heart and I’m not at all surprised to see it echoed here. You are a girl after my own heart, Abby – after His heart. There is nothing like feeling the freedom to set our burdens free – and when they are received by those who love Him, who love us, it’s just more confirmation of how good He is. Love you, friend. #raralinkup


    • Amen, Tiffany. We are better together. It took me a while to realize that, being the introverted soul that I am, but God did a work in me. So thankful for you and our friendship. xoxo

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  6. Thanks for your honest words, friend. I tend to have a hard time sharing my burdens because I feel I’m “the one who’s supposed to help the other people, but not express needs of her own.” Sometimes. 🙂 Last Saturday I got some face to face time with my sister, and it was so refreshing. I listened to her, and she listened to me. We prayed. Sweet fellowship. My burden was lighter. Thanks for encouraging me and others not to carry our burdens around alone. Like Tiffany said, “We’re better together!’ (Even our Compel groups’ prayers mean a lot to me. 🙂 )


    • I’m glad to hear you had that time with your sister, Betsy. What a blessing. I, too, am grateful for our Compel group. I thank God for each of you sweet sisters. xoxo


  7. Resisting the urge to break out into Let It Go… but it is true! We are made for community and we are meant to carry each other… love this post!


  8. Amen, Abby! This is a point we avoid making and one that’s tough to live at times. Praise the Lord for godly friends : ) Love from a #TellHisStory neighbor!


  9. Loved this quote: Self-sufficiency is a lie, friends. It leads us down a path of loneliness and regret….I actually gave a sermon on “The Epidemic of Self-Reliance.” We can learn to rely on God and on the community of believers but it doesn’t always come naturally. A post like this is an important reminder of that truth!


  10. Oh, Abby. God spoke to me loud and strong through this: “Giving words to my thoughts made them real. To speak them aloud gave them a life I wasn’t sure I wanted…” So here goes…I’m struggling to be a bold witness for the Lord, to talk face-to-face with the people around me about Jesus and having a relationship with Him. It’s easy online, when I’m putting it out there for whoever wants to read it. But I’ve always been timid about bringing Him up in conversation with neighbors, friends, family. I long to be the witness for Christ I am called to be, but fear of the uncomfortable nature of it has held me back all too often. I’m a witnessing wimp. I long to be a witnessing warrior–fighting back the darkness of this world and piercing it with God’s brilliant light. I want to love in the deepest way possible. I need to lay this burden of failure down at the feet of Jesus and open the way for Him to fill my heart with the right perspective, the right attitude…with His love. Would you please pray with me for this?

    Abby, I know this might not have been where you were taking this powerful message today, but that’s where God took it in my heart. Your words are filled with His, truth, with honesty and openness. And God uses them in mighty ways. Thank you, precious sister!


    • Sabra, thank you so much for sharing your heart and trusting me with this struggle today. I, too, experience timidity when talking to people in person about Jesus and I want so badly to be more fearless for him. Lord, today I pray that you would empower Sabra and I with your Spirit and give us discernment to know when to share more boldly about you. Lord, you have not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and sound mind. Let us walk in step with you. Amen.

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