When You Can’t Do It On Your Own


Yesterday marked a monumental moment for my son.

His training wheels came off the bike for the first time. This excited mama had the camera in hand, ready to snap endless photos of him riding up and down the street.

But when the moment came, fear crept in. I could tell my son wanted to let go and peddle, but when my husband removed his hand, Jaden’s feet came down. He needed to make sure the ground was still there.

He had the ability, but he was afraid to move forward.

As I stood there watching, I realized how alike my son and I are. So often, I know what I’m supposed to do and receive affirmation of God’s call, but I freeze.

He calls me to be a witness, but I doubt my ability and fail to seize an opportunity.

He calls me to speak, but I think someone else is more qualified, so I don’t.

He calls me to mother, but there are days when I go on autopilot instead of being fully engaged with my boys.

Yet despite all of my weakness and my endless excuses, God continues to use me. He is loving and patient, and his compassion never fails.

The more I trust in his divine grace and his ability instead of my own, the more I realize this: Faith is a lot like instinct. Until we take that first step of obedience, we won’t see the Holy Spirit’s power working in us.

In the same way my son can’t use his bike riding instincts until he simply lets go and starts peddling, I won’t see God’s power until I move forward in faith.

David faced the giant, Goliath, and he saw God take down his enemy when he fought him, but not until. Peter walked on water when he stepped out of the boat and trusted God, but not until.

Sometimes we have to face the mountain before we see God’s ability to move it.

When we embrace our weakness and inability to do it on our own, his strength carries us.

I want to raise boys who take risks for God and trust him even when the road isn’t easy. My greatest desire is for them to follow him with their heart, soul and mind, but I must lead by example.

After school today, my son is going to get on the bike and try again. He could not stop talking about it as we waited for the bus this morning. I’m confident he’ll keep peddling, because he knows his feet will carry him.

That’s the beauty of this grace walk we take each day. His mercies are new each day and he’s waiting for us to jump on the ride of faith, confident in his power to move us forward.

Will you trust his ability to guide you through unknown waters today? He’s waiting to take you on an adventure far beyond your wildest dreams.


*Linking up with Suzie Eller’s #LiveFreeThursday to encourage and be encouraged. Come join us.

22 thoughts on “When You Can’t Do It On Your Own

  1. Abby,
    I can relate to you regarding erring on the side of caution. When God calls me to take a risk, like your son, I often want to put my feet down on solid ground. But, when I do let go, and trust in Him and take that risk, what joy and freedom can be found. I am learning that together with God, I can do the unimaginable. Thanks for the urging on this morning.


    • Yes, my oldest is definitely the cautious one and I can see it gets it from me. My youngest is an entirely different story…;-) He brings me near a heart attack on a daily basis. Thanks so much for traveling this road with me, Bev. (hugs)


  2. Abby- I love the bike riding analogy. I’m like your son, also. Too often, I put my feet down in fear and miss the joy He offers. But praise God His mercies are new every morning! I love your sweet mothering heart and your encouraging words.


    • So glad it encouraged you, Crystal! God has been pushing me outside my comfort zone more lately, and he is faithful every time. Blessings to you, friend.


  3. Loved this, Abby – that picture of your son going back to what was hard at first and now looking forward to it with joy. Yes – such grace God gives us in this journey of faith. Sometimes we fail to exercise those hard to reach faith muscles, but He gives us strength and we do it – and then we find the joy in what He always knew we could do. Now, to remember that the next time fear creeps in and tries to steal my promised joy. Hugs, sweet friend.


    • I’m so thankful we serve a God who doesn’t give up on us. The more I step out and trust him, the more I see how faithful he truly is. Hugs back to you, friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m a cautious one too, always trying to second guess everything before I step out in faith. That’s why I like this: “Faith is a lot like instinct. Until we take that first step of obedience, we won’t see the Holy Spirit’s power working in us.” It is SO TRUE! I’m going to walk in obedience believing that I’ll get through the next three weeks joyful and strong! One step at a time! (So much to do the next 3 weeks that it’s not even funny!)


    • Betsy, I am praying that in the midst of everything you have to get done over the next few weeks you will feel God’s peace. You can do this with his help; I am confident. Blessings to you, friend, and yes- one step at a time.


  5. Beautiful Abby. I want to ride with Jesus. I want to follow him step-by-step. What power there is in this. You encourage my soul to step out more. Thank you sweet friend. Cheering you on from the #RaRalinkup on Purposeful Faith.


    • Thank you so much for visiting today, Melanie. Yes, the part about facing the mountain was something God laid on my heart recently. He’s been showing me a lot about being brave. All through his power and strength, right? Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.


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