Because We Need to Know We Are Not Alone

 voice 2

I will never forget the moment when I finally got it. When it finally sank in. I was sitting on the couch of our 30th St. Rancher in Ogden, Utah reading The Purpose Driven Life with my husband. The opening chapter is aptly named, “It’s Not About You,” and those words changed my life.

I made the decision to follow Jesus while reading that book, and for the first time, I understood what that meant. Surrender. Seeing him in every decision I make, everything that I do. Putting Him front and center.

I had prayed the sinner’s prayer several times growing up. But I never got it. It was more of an emotional response than a life changing decision.

I also was petrified of getting up in front of hundreds of people to proclaim my faith to everyone.

Although I made the decision in the privacy of my home, the next day our pastor decided to end the service with an open baptism. Unannounced. As I looked at my husband, knowing what I should do, I was scared. But I also knew it was my time.

As the pastor lifted me up out of the water and asked me to proclaim my faith I looked out into the audience and tried to make out faces, but everything was a blur. The bright light made it difficult to see.

Although I can’t remember everything I said I do remember saying this: “I don’t have to be alone anymore.”

I have been passionate about writing for as long as I can remember, but for most of my life I never shared my writing with anyone. I blog because of the experience I had that night on the couch. I write because words matter, and because somewhere, someone thinks they’re alone in their struggles, their depression, their doubts and fears.

I write to scream in the loudest voice I have, “You are not alone.”

I write because it is my voice.


*This post was written for Five Minute Friday. A beautiful, bold group of writers who free write on one word each Friday. Today’s word was: because. Click the button below to learn more.

24 thoughts on “Because We Need to Know We Are Not Alone

  1. I witnessed a friend once share about her struggles with depression in front of a crowd. She said the reason she was speaking of it in this way is because everytime she shared her story, someone said “me too”. Like you said, we need to know we are not alone, and sharing our words confirms our shared humanity, both as writers and as readers. Wonderful post! Popping by as your neighbour from FMF 🙂


    • Oh yes, there is so much freedom found in knowing you’re not alone. So glad that God is always there, and that he opened my eyes to the world of writing. Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Carry on, my friend, carry on! That’s our ultimate message–we are not alone. We are NEVER alone. It doesn’t matter whether we think anyone reads what we write or if no one leaves a comment. Our words will be blessed by God and directed to the place they need to be in his time and for his purpose. That’s why we write.


  3. Yes, yes, yes! The amazing thing about blogging is that in a split second your words can reach people all over the world…people who are desperate to know they’re not alone. That’s exactly what you’re doing here in this space, and I’m so thankful you are.


  4. Abby,
    What a powerful testimony. It is such a relief that we don’t have to do this life alone and that we have a Savior that will never leave us nor forsake us. With all life’s up and downs this brings me great comfort. So glad you found your voice…I am moved!!


  5. This blessed me this evening. You are not alone, and God has given you a voice for Him! He is so amazing that way, isn’t He?! Thank you for writing this and sharing your testimony!


  6. Well I for one am glad that you are blogging. I love your writing style and the way your heart can be made so evident to someone on the other side of the world who has never met you before. It’s truly beautiful.


    • That makes me smile, S’ambrosia and I am amazed by the people God has allowed me to meet through blogging. Thank you so much and it’s wonderful to connect with you.


  7. because you are not alone… amen… I write for similar reasons… because it feels safer to let people see the real me through the written word. Visiting from FMF.


  8. Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony, Abby! We can never hear too often the message “we are not alone.” I love the new look of your blog too! Keep writing and sharing your story, friend!


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