The Answer That Changes Everything

Spirit of God

“I believe in you.”

Four powerful words can propel us. We step into the unknown and take endeavors we never dreamed possible with a little push of encouragement.

But often our dreams are met with skepticism and negativity. We want to do a “new thing,” but when we mention it to those close to us we receive raised eyebrows or glossed over looks of boredom.

Sometimes this lack of understanding can freeze us in our tracks. Fear and self-doubt take over, and we figure we fooled ourselves by thinking we could make a difference in this big, vast world.

I get it. I’ve been there one too many times. But I also know it only takes once voice, one word of affirmation that rises above the others to change the course of our steps forever.

Do you know what the God of the universe says about you? You were created on purpose, for a purpose.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NIV

The actual Greek word used here for “masterpiece” is “poema,” which has a similar meaning to our English word, “poem.” In other words, God is writing a poem to the world through you.

Did you get that? The same person who spoke the galaxies into existence is writing a poem to the world through you.

No one can write it in the same way you can, because each of us was created with a unique message, purpose and way of conveying God’s love.

When I started this blog two years ago, blogging was the last thing on my radar. I had no desire to start a website and was writing fiction. I was slowly submitting short stories to various publications and making little headway.

Something inside me ached to reach others right where they were, with no middle man deciding whether my words were worthy to be printed. I yearned to glorify my Creator by sharing my experiences with others, letting them know they weren’t alone in their struggles with insecurity, loneliness and striving.

Even though I knew God was calling me to write, I froze. For months I came up with excuses and reasons why I couldn’t move forward.

Often, the biggest doubter we have to overcome is the one playing on repeat in our heads.

Then one day in the face of my hesitancy, a few voices rose above the noise. And I went for it.

The Spirit of God is not one of complacency. He is ever on the move.

And when we move with him, beautiful happens. As we go forth in sync with the Spirit, there is no limit to what God do in us and through us.

Can I tell you something today? I believe in you. I believe God created you on purpose. And I believe he has a plan for your life that no one else on this earth has the ability to achieve but you.

Will you believe with me? The future of your life depends on it.


*Linking up with Kelly BalarieJennifer Dukes Lee and Holley Gerth to encourage and be encouraged. Come join us.

17 thoughts on “The Answer That Changes Everything

  1. Beautiful! This is an encouraging word that so many need to hear for two reasons. We need to give others that message, “I believe in you.” AND we need to believe in ourselves, that God created us on purpose for a purpose.” I’m so glad you started blogging, Abby. We’ve been at it about the same amount of time. I know we’ve both learned so much and come a long way! Much of our poem is yet to be written!


  2. Oh Abby – this was for me today. Thank you. I recently shared in a women’s prayer gathering – that I working on details in my life to become a writer and blog regulary – that I felt this was a ministry that GOD was leading me to do. They looked at me like I was crazy. Discouragement comes in so many forms unfortunately. Thank you for sharing! Great message my friend!


    • Melanie, I am so sorry to hear the reaction you received. I’m humbled that God used me to speak a word of encouragement to you through this post and I thank him for it. I believe in you, and if God is calling you to it he will lead the way. Hugs, dear friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Abby,
    I’ve always been a big fan of poetry so I like the idea of God writing a poem to the world through me! I needed this post this morning…some people think I’m crazy working with orphans and a school in Pakistan. I know the eye rolls, but when we’re on the right track, God keeps calling us forward. Thanks for believing in me…you know…I believe in YOU too!
    Love and ((hugs)),

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bev, I don’t think you’re crazy at all. God has laid those orphans on your heart and I admire you for continuing to forge ahead despite the lack of understanding you receive from others. Love you and your heart, friend. Can’t wait to see you and hug you next month.


  4. Sometimes we struggle to believe that there is something more the Lord has prepared us for. But when we anchor our faith in Him alone His purpose for our lives will He bring to manifestation.
    Thank you Abby, you are a Blessing.


  5. Love this and love you! I believe Him and I believe His purpose is grander than anything we an imagine…for you and me. “And when we move with him, beautiful happens.” Amen to that, sister…beautiful by design! xo


  6. You’ve encouraged my heart and soul, Abby. Thank you for this today. So thankful God crossed our paths through our blogs! Praying God blesses you as you walk out your calling. Much love being sent your way today.


  7. Thank you for believing in me, with me. This evening I went for a walk alone because my friend wasn’t able to make it. I asked God, “What is your purpose for me? ” Still. Here nearing 40 years old and still I ask…I doubt…I wonder. And I forget that the Spirit is MOVING. I needed that reminder tonight. Thanks, Abby,


    • Jessie, I am approaching 40 in a a few short years and I still ask myself these same types of questions. Yes, the Spirit is moving and he will continue to do so. One of my favorite verses is Philippians 1:6, “And I am confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion.” Keep pressing into Him, friend.


  8. Thank you, Abby, I am encouraged by your words. I am so happy you are getting to do what you love. I too, have a secret wish to write, but I do not know if that is what God has gifted me with. I have a blog, but not very many people read it. I will keep pursuing God and the desire of my heart, which is to please Him. I pray that He will use me. Blessings, Kathi


    • Kathi, thank you for sharing here today. I am praying God will reveal his plans and purposes to you as you seek him. I visited your blog and loved the story you shared. Such a beautiful testimony to the faithfulness of our God.


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