Stop the Cycle of Mom Guilt: What Our Kids Crave the Most


My kids never cease to amaze me. I love how even at a young age, they can pinpoint what’s important.

The other day I was taking my oldest son to piano and as we stopped at a red light, he piped up from the back seat.

“You know, Mama. When little Elise gets here, I’m going to hold her, and hug her, and kiss her…. And… well, that’s about it.”

I laughed out loud, knowing what he meant but utterly enjoying his cuteness. He told me about the various stages his sister would go through and how one day she will be able to chase him and his brother through the house.

He knows during the first few months of her life, cuddles and plenty of love will be the main things baby sister needs. Play will come later. Fights over toys, hopefully much later.

Aside from feeding, diaper changes, and plenty of rest, he had Elise’s needs pinned down to a tee.

It made me wonder. At what stage as parents do we forget the basics and start shaming ourselves?

The other day, I had a near panic attack because baby girl’s room wasn’t ready. I was still seven weeks from my due date, but my nesting instinct was in high gear. I scoured quilts and wall decals on Etsy, trying to find the perfect combination to create a warm, welcoming environment.

When I couldn’t match up shades of turquoise I was irritable. Then, God reminded me of scene from a few nights ago. I was getting ready for bed, and as I walked by the nursery I saw my son helping his dad convert the toddler bed back into a crib.

She will have a place to sleep. She will have food to eat and arms to hold her and comfort her when she cries. Will she care if her room isn’t perfect?

I think our guilt often stems from a misconception that our kids should have trouble-free, pain-free lives with little to no boredom and a schedule filled with activities. If we’re not carting them from one place to another and living vicariously through every victory, win and trophy, we feel empty.


But as Jen Hatmaker so aptly states in her book, For the Love, our kids’ lives are not a Nickelodeon set. Nor should they be.

There comes a point where we have to stop the cycle of shame and settle for good enough. Because when it comes to parenting, perfect doesn’t exist.

A few weeks ago I was listening to a Christian radio station and during a Focus on the Family segment, they talked about the things kids remember about growing up. Much to my surprise, it wasn’t the mistakes their parents make, the times we lose our cool or the boo-boos they got when they were two.

They remembered the bedtime stories. The time spent cuddling on the couch. The prayers and the moments just being together.

My eyes were wet with tears at the sheer simplicity of it. When did I forget?

Friends, our kids know what’s important. So when today is over and you’re sitting on the couch, shaming yourself because you were late to the practice, ask yourself this: Did I love my kid today?

It’s time we stop worrying about perfection and give them what they crave the most: ourselves.


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12 thoughts on “Stop the Cycle of Mom Guilt: What Our Kids Crave the Most

  1. True ~ when did we pick up parenting shame?! Girl, I battled that ugly monster from day 1! Ugh…. But goodness! When Jesus grabs ahold of us and truth, parenting changes. To God be the glory. You’re a wise woman for sharing about this battle and turning eyes to the Victor, my friend. Wise woman.


  2. Wise words, Abby. We live in a society of too much, so it’s no wonder we’re constantly feeling like we aren’t enough. You’re so right, if we have a safe and warm place to lay our head and morsels on the table, we are wealthy compared to others. Your sweet Elise is going to be welcomed and raised up in love by a fantastic mama (and daddy and brothers too!). xoxo


  3. Oh this is so beautiful. Jen Hatmaker’s statement about embracing “good enough” also touched me deeply. And what a sweet story about your son. I had a terrible mom moment yesterday, was 30 minutes late to take my daughter shopping for new jeans, and when we got to the mall, I’D LEFT MY WALLET AT HOME! She was done with me, and I didn’t blame her. Know what made things better? Sitting down together to talk and drink pumpkin spice lattes. Totally turned around my lame mom moment. She just wanted me.


  4. Abby,
    Stop me if I’ve shared this before, but one of my son’s favorite childhood memories (he’s 23 now) is of us taking our lawn chairs – mine large, his pint sized – out to the end of our driveway and sitting there and watching the world go by. Time and time again he would ask me if we could go watch the world go by. I believe it was because we had the chance to sit still, gaze at and find shapes in the clouds, wave to cars that drove by, talk about everything and nothing….He remembers this above costly trips to Disney World and other expensive vacations. Usually the best memories come from the basics and the simple pleasures in life. I think your post, here, is right on target!!


  5. I really crave that simplicity, Abby. Babies can seem complicated and we can sure talk ourselves into making it more complicated, but you are exactly right that they only need our love, our care, our provision. What a God lesson.


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