Are We Forgetting the Most Powerful Counselor We Have?

let's not underestimate

I have a confession to make.

Several times a year when I gather up the boys’ toys to donate to the Salvation Army and Social Services, I make sure they are either at school or asleep. Doing otherwise results in the inevitable cries of, “Oh, I forgot about this!” or “Oh, my favorite toy!” even though they haven’t played with it for a year.

Until my oldest son surprised me. And in an instant, I realized I should never underestimate the power of the Spirit to work in a child.

My husband and I were in the family room going through toy chests when I heard the pitter-patter of little feet.

“What are you doing?” my firstborn asked. My heart dropped and I told him a half-truth. I was organizing the toys. Which, technically, I was. But when I looked across the room at my husband, I could tell we were both thinking the same thing.

We needed to be honest. He was old enough, and he could help. I held my breath as my husband explained we were gathering toys to give away.

“We want to make sure other kids who less fortunate have a good Christmas too,” Daddy said.

I explained that we wanted to give our best so we could honor the families who would receive these gifts. As I looked at the amount of stuff lying on the floor, I knew we had been blessed with much. But did my son? I waited to see how he would react.

Then, he amazed me.

He began gathering things and placing them in the bag, which was nearly full already. Not just thoughtless items but items he and his brother played with and loved. And what surprised me most? He didn’t want to stop.

As I watched me son in awe, all I could say repeatedly was, “Thank you.” To my son, yes. I told him how proud I was and how grateful we were for his giving attitude. But inwardly I thanked God.

Often, I think my husband and I are doing this parenting gig alone. I feel inadequate on a daily basis and I second-guess decisions more often than I’d like to admit. I forget there is a third party involved, which although invisible, is the most important influence in my child’s life.

I forget about the Holy Spirit.

When I pray, asking God to help me be an example for these kids he’s entrusted into my care, he listens. When I ask him to fill in the spaces where I am lacking, he hears me.

Even when I don’t know what to ask for or how to pray, he sees.

And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.

Romans 8:27 NIV

Let’s not underestimate the power of the Counselor who lives in us.

The same power which arose Jesus from the grave is accessible to us everyday, if we are in Him. We simply have to believe. We have to ask. We abide in him and seek even those answers we may not like.

And when he moves and stirs hearts in those moments we least expect it, we fall on our knees, we give thanks, and we know with new certainty: our help comes from him.


Linking up with these communities: #RaRaLinkup, #IntentionalTuesday, #TellHisStory

16 thoughts on “Are We Forgetting the Most Powerful Counselor We Have?

  1. What a precious moment! It’s amazing how God continually teaches us powerful lessons through our kids. I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit, His guidance and counsel and revelations available each day, if I will just open my eyes and heart to His leading. Thanks, Abby!


  2. I love how you shared that the Holy Spirit is available to us all the time. This is so true, and He has intervened on my behalf so many times. Now that we are tackling those crazy teen years, I rely on Him more and more! He still works in our situations and moves in our lives. Thank you for sharing this important thing we often overlook:)


    • Yes Kristine, sometimes I wonder how many times he’s intervened for me when I don’t even realize it. Many, I’m sure. Hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving.


  3. Beautiful story, Abby! So good to know we’re NOT parenting alone. Sometimes I feel alone too, and I sure know that route of second guessing all your decisions. Great reminder that the Holy Spirit can be the most powerful influencer of our children.


    • It’s so easy to forget when we get wrapped up in ourselves and our insecurities. Thankful for his unending grace. Hope you have a beautiful Christmas season, Betsy.


  4. Oh, I love this story and totally relate to it. I, too, “forget about the Holy Spirit.” But we are so blessed as parents, with the power of the Counselor within us. So glad we’re not navigating life and parenting alone, but with one far greater and more powerful than us. Thanks for this Abby!


  5. I love this story, Abby. It’s so precious how giving and compassionate your son is. How true it is that we often underestimate the Holy Spirit who has the same power that rose Jesus from the grave. I’m often so forgetful of that power. I’m so thankful that our underestimation and forgetfulness never diminishes His power! He is faithful!


  6. When I read this, “I make sure they are either at school or asleep” I had to laugh. That’s what I do when I give my husband’s stuff away.
    Kids can be unselfish when God’s Spirit get a hold of them. I loved your story Abby.
    xoxo, Christy


    • Oh Christy, I learned early on never to throw away any of the hubby’s stuff! LOL. Too funny. Moving cross-country twice sure gets rid of your tendency to hold onto stuff, though! Love you, friend. xoxo


  7. Abby,
    Love this story that you shared. So often I forget the wonderful counselor that God has given me in the person of the Holy Spirit. What a great reminder that He counsels and moves in ALL His children…even the very young who can teach us older children a thing or two about love and sharing at Christmas. Really enjoyed this…what a joyful moment with your son!


  8. Amen, friend! Our help does come from Him! You sweet boy made my heart melt. God is taking your teachings and planting them in your son’s heart. What a treasure.
    Blessings and smiles,


  9. Yes! Where would i be without God’s insight into my kids? You’re right that I don’t often go to the Holy Spirit first. It really is amazing that God teaches us so practically and gives us wisdom we would never have on our own. Great words, Abby.


  10. This is SO encouraging! Just the message for a new mama’s heart. So thankful that the powerful arm of the Lord is not shortened, even in our shortcomings. Such a sweet story Abby. Thank-you


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