Eyes to See Him Move

eyes to see

Our family attended our first 4D movie, The Polar Express, just days before Christmas. While our 3D glasses made everything pop off the screen, the moving seats, falling snow, and smell of hot chocolate took the experience to a whole new level.

My three-year-old, however, refused to wear the glasses. As much as his daddy coaxed him to put them on, he stubbornly resisted. As a result, everything on the screen was a blur to him.

He felt ice spray onto his face, but could not see the train skid across the frozen lake. He saw snow flakes fall from the ceiling, but could not see the wintery scene the flakes were meant to enhance.

At the time we simply laughed and shrugged our shoulders. This was the type of behavior we’d come to expect from our strong willed child who was asserting his independence more by the day. But the more I thought about his reaction, the more I realized how often I take a similar approach toward God.

I say I want to see God’s will for my life, but my prayers are rushed and scattered in small snippets of the day. I desire to hear his voice and see him work, but my time in the Word becomes hurried and distracted any time life gets too busy.

If I want to see God move, I must train my eyes to be aware of it.

I must use the tools he’s made available to me. Watching and listening for his answer to prayer and his presence in my life. If I want his Spirit to be palpable in my life, I create an environment where He thrives.

In 2015, I expect to see God move, and I don’t want to miss it. One of our most famous hymns, Amazing Grace, says,

I once was blind, but now I see.

But do we really see? Or are we still blind to what God is doing right here, right now?

As I sat pondering the word I would choose to focus on in 2015, the answer became obvious. The word I’ve chosen for next year is “see.” This is a theme God is speaking over and over into my life.

My prayer is that God will give me eyes to see the things that are of the Spirit. I want to be able to discern the earthly from the heavenly, the temporary from the eternal.

I pray that I will have peace during the bends in the road where I cannot see, trusting the One who goes before me and knowing He has not chosen to reveal those pieces of the journey to me yet. And during moments which are foggy may my heart remember that in this life, we will only know in part, but one day we will know in full.

As I embark on this next leg of the race, I remember the words Jesus gave to the first disciples when they left everything they knew to follow him. They asked him a question but he only gave a partial answer. Where are you staying?

To this, Jesus simply replied,

Come and see. (John 1:39 NLT)

I believe he gives us the same invitation every day. While we may not always know where we’re going or what the future will hold, the invitation is always the same.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what’s next.


*Linking up on Wednesday with Kelly Balarie and FriendsMeredith Bernard, and Jennifer Dukes Lee to encourage and be encouraged. Come join us.

38 thoughts on “Eyes to See Him Move

  1. I love that word of “see” – to know the difference between earthly and eternal. This is so valuable Abby. You bring truth to light and I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to reveal to you in this coming year!


    • Happy New Year to you too, Beth! Although the busyness of the holidays have kept me from commenting on your blogs lately, I have so enjoyed what you’ve been sharing. It’s beautiful to see God work through you, friend.


  2. I adore this post 🙂 I can relate to it so well! I love how you the Spirit moved you to write about this from visiting a 4-D movie! It’s amazing! “I say I want to see God’s will for my life, but my prayers are rushed and scattered in small snippets of the day. I desire to hear his voice and see him work, but my time in the Word becomes hurried and distracted any time life gets too busy.” I echo this in my own life, but thank you for encouraging me to train my eyes to see as Jesus invites us to “Come and see”. God bless you and I look forward to reading more from you! 🙂


  3. “If I want to see God move, I must train my eyes to be aware of it.”
    Yes, yes, yes! Looking for Him in everything, every day, every relationship takes training. I want to be more aware of His Hand in 2015. Thanks for this, Abby! Beautiful!!!


    • Yes, every relationship does take training. Why do we sometimes think our relationship with God is any different? Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here, Renee. I always love hearing from you and I so enjoyed your post today!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is truly insightful. “I pray that I will have peace during the bends in the road where I cannot see, trusting the One who goes before me and knowing He has not chosen to reveal those pieces of the journey to me yet.” You are right Abby… this the longing in my own heart right this moment. Lovely reminder. Blessings to you!


  5. Love, love, love!! The illustration of your son in the movie is perfect:) Your boys sound so fun:) I’m sure there’s never a dull moment around your house! Blessings, Abby!


    • Oh yes, I am constantly saying how much I feel like understand God’s heart more now that I have kids. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here today, Jen. Happy New Year!


  6. This is great, Abby. I love find myself stubbornly refusing to see things as God does. Not just at life–but in people. I want to have His view of life and people.


    • Me too, Dianne! Praying to see through his eyes more and more so that I can love others with a love like Christ. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  7. Amen! Thank you for this beautifully written message. It’s perfect for me right now as I’m praying that He will open my eyes to all that He has for me in 2015. Be Thou My Vision! Loved your post… as usual! 🙂


  8. I love how you used the analogy of comparing how your 3 year old experienced a 4D movie with someone who used the available tools to really get the most out of the 4D experience. It really helped make the point that we often fail to use the tools we have available to truly experience what is going on around us.


  9. I’d never heard of a 4D movie! Seriously water in the face?!!

    (and recall ALL the things I learned about myself in relationship to God through the behavior of my children!) 🙂
    I was just having a conversation today about focus and setting the will to focus on the glory that will be revealed. Keeping in the light, right? 🙂


  10. This is really fantastic Abby! All too often people think God doesn’t move, but in reality, they just don’t know where to look. Thanks for sharing 🙂


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