Fill Someone’s Need Today


I love my morning coffee. One of my favorite sounds is the drip filling the carafe, permeating the house with pungent aroma.

One of my friends is a barista, and she once told me that if the expresso is not emptied into the drink within minutes of being made, it goes bad. Its taste becomes stale and it must be thrown out. The expresso machine goes through a continual rhythm of being filled simply so it can be emptied into lattes, frapaccinos, and bubbly goodness.

Filled to empty. Emptied to fill.

As a follower of Jesus, my life should follow the same pattern. Yet so often God blesses me and I want to simply bask in it for a while. I hold on to the blessing with clenched fists, thinking if I let it go, it will be gone forever.

I forget that our God is one of abundance. He is not limited by time or space or power. He is infinite.

He fills us so that we can be emptied out.

So that we can bless others. So we can fulfill a need.

When we hoard gifts, the flow stops and what was once a blessing becomes spoiled and hackneyed. Instead of being thankful, we become entitled.

God, let your Spirit be a constant reminder of where my gifts come from. Help me to remember that when I open my hands to others, the flow opens like a stream fed river.

When I clench my hands, the river becomes a cesspool, good for nothing but waste.


This post was written for Five Minute Friday. I beautiful group of brave, bold, beautiful writers who meet each Friday to free write for five minutes on one word. Today’s word was: fill. Click the button below to learn more.


12 thoughts on “Fill Someone’s Need Today

  1. …so often God blesses me and I want to simply bask in it for a while…that’s ME! I grab on to the blessings – like trying to hold onto sleep for just 5 more minutes when I know I’m already rested and ready. Brilliant! Filled to empty. Emptied to be filled…I’m going to add this to my morning meditation….to help me open up and let those blessings flow. Thanks Abby!


    • I hear you, Lisa. I always want to lay in bed for another five, ten minutes. Thank you so much for stopping by today, Lisa. You bless me. Have a wonderful weekend.


  2. This is beautiful and filled with many great reminders. I am new to FMF and you ladies always amaze me with the profundity and poetry you come up with in 5 minutes!


  3. I just found out about your blog at in derby mom… I loved this devotional! One of the lyrics to my favorite songs is fill us up and send us out. I was in prayer last night and found myself making that plea to God.

    I really like the idea of five minute Fridays… I’m going to check that out!


  4. Oh, Abby, I love this! Being filled so we can be emptied. I’ve never thought of it that way. But so true! Thank you for giving me a new perspective.


  5. I often find myself clenching my blessings with tight fists, and you’re so right that when I do that, it’s a sign that I’m not fully trusting in God or accepting that all gifts come from Him. I fall into the mentality of “mine, mine, mine,” and forget that in giving it away, I’ll only be blessed more deeply. Thank you for this important reminder!


  6. This right here speaks volumes to me, “I forget that our God is one of abundance. He is not limited by time or space or power. He is infinite…He fills us so that we can be emptied out.” What an absolute truth and a great reminder for me. How many times do I forget that nothing is impossible for Him and that because He has blessed me once, doesn’t men He will not bless me again or give me a way out of a dark time. He fills me so I can be emptied out and filled again. This is beautiful, Abby…always great truths from you in ways that relate and bring us back to Him. xoxo, mb


    • You bless me in so many ways, Meredith. It’s been a rather discouraging week for me, but I know God is faithful and He has shown me he is there in so many ways, including you! Thanks so much. xoxo


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